Our First Adirondack Mountain Club Meeting

Ginger and I went to our very first Adirondack Club meeting last night. We joined, not only because we enjoy the outdoors, but because we booked a hiking trip next July and we are staying at John’s Brook Lodge in the Adirondack High Peak region and by joining we got a small discount.
So, last night we thought of checking out the monthly meeting.
We didn’t know what to expect.
What we got was about 25 very enthusiastic outdoorsy people that are into hiking, bicycling, kayaking and more. The average age there was probably 60 years old. We saw a slide presentation of a couple that went to Zimbabwe, Alaska, Antarctica, Spain, New Zealand and more. We learned that this group has 10+ events a month on Long Island, NJ, in the Catskills, or even in the Adirondacks and they love new members.
Who knows, maybe Ginger and I will make some new, awesome friends, and we will become more outdoorsy than ever!
Check it out and maybe we will see you there one day!
– Dave
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